Gangee — A Love Story, New Myths and Heroes of Love
For Immediate Release:
October 2020
Gangee — A Love Story
New Myths and Icons of Love
An original story by Rah Crawford
Inspired by actual historic events, Gangee — A Love Story could be described as a “heroic” version of Romeo and Juliet, where the protagonists (Dondai & Ayeelah) choose to fight for their love instead of succumbing to the pressures against them. Set in early native Africa, with its breathtaking landscapes, exotic wildlife, and magical splendor, two tribes are locked in a generational feud of revenge and survival as their land and resources diminish.
Rah declares, “I felt a sense of duty early on as it relates to the story of Gangee. During my initial research I hadn’t come across any well-known fictional couples of color that represented “romantic love”. Specifically within popular culture, there was a void — no household names of dark skinned fictitious characters, or narratives associated with love were widely known. Once I became aware of this, I was shocked, and immediately felt a burning desire to help fill that void.”
“Heroes of love” the main characters: Dondai and Ayeelah (pronounced: Don•day and Ah•yee•lah). ©2020 Rah Crawford / World Owned, LLC. All rights reserved.
Inspired by an actual historic event, Rah Crawford’s research and journey for his iconic love story began more than 12 years ago when he lived in Philadelphia. Rah was commissioned to illustrate storyboards for a project called The President’s House, which exposed the lesser known fact that George Washington owned 9 slaves.
It was during his illustration work for The President’s House that Rah learned of another historical incident that would replay in his mind for more than a decade. In August of 1800, the naval ship USS Ganges captured two illegal U.S. slave ships, Phebe and Prudent, off the coast of Cuba. The stolen African families aboard had been tortured and were very ill. The men, women, and children had been separated and never expected to see their loved ones again. Once rescued, both ships were brought to the Lazaretto Port in Philadelphia because of the city’s well-known anti-slavery sentiments. By an absolute miracle that night—families that had once been torn apart and stolen from Africa, were now reunited in the city of Philadelphia.
Learning about this incredible historic event, Rah Crawford’s imagination took flight as he developed a fictional narrative which focused on two young lovers and their homeland adventures before arriving in America.
“Storytelling is like a roadmap for life. It’s how we’ve passed down information, lessons and warnings in the form of myths and entertainment, since the beginning of human existence. Today, we live during a pivotal time where new myths and truths are ready to burst free into the world—fully vibrant, and colored by the entire spectrum of human experience.”
Gangee — A Love Story was written by Rah Crawford as a screenplay for a feature film. The artist states, “This story needs to exist in multiple adaptations — the big screen, animation, on stage, and expressed through multiple artistic disciplines. Love is limitless… and so is the potential for this type of groundbreaking adventure,” declares Rah, “Visual art is a core part of my DNA, so it’s only natural that I first introduce the story to the public as a graphic novel.”
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